Premed Takeover
Ingrid is a pre-med student from Miami who goes to FIU. View Ingrid answering audience questions, talking about time management, and taking you through a pre-med student’s daily life.
Some questions answered:
“Hi everyone! My name is Ingrid and I’m a pre-med student from Miami. I’m double majoring in bio and stem education and minoring in chemistry. Today I’m going to be walking you through a day in my life, all the classes that I take, how I stay organized, time management skills so any question that you have for me or general pre-med tips put them here in this box and I’ll be sure to answer them throughout the day!”
“Currently in: biochemistry”
As a Canadian high school student, would you recommend applying to colleges in the U.S.?
“Ok, so this is a pre-med student from Canada asking if would recommend coming to the U.S. I think this is a personal decision, it depends on if you’ve looked into schools here and you found your dream school that matches everything that you’re looking for.”
“So if you found your dream school, I would say 100% go for it. If everything you are looking for your undergrad experience here, sure. And especially if you plan to move here and practice medicine here, then I think if you study your undergrad here it’ll be a lot easier for you to transition into medical school, grad school, that type of stuff. So it kind of depends on your personal journey.
“If I were to tell you one is better than the other I’m sure Canada has an excellent undergrad education as well. I love my school, I feel like I’m getting credible education, and actually, the school that I attend is an international school. SO we do have students from all around the world that
“transferred here. And there is large support for transfer students from different countries at my school, so maybe that’s something to look into and consider.”
[photo/video] “In one of my teach classes now! Tuesday’s and Thursday my classes are back to back until night time. This class is perspective in science and math education.”What class is your favorite this semester?
So, this semester I’m doing bio-chemistry, evolution, stats 2, a humanity course, a perspective of a class that I was just in.
I think my favorite class is probably evolution because professor is so amazing, she’s so much fun. It’s really just like a such cool conversation the entire class. It’s very engaging and she shows really cool videos, which is so much fun. And I love learning about flora and fana and fossils and paleontology and all that stuff. So, it’s a lot of fun and I also have two of my good friends in that class. And probably my next favorite is probably bio-cheimstry
just because my besties are in it with me, so I have a really good study group for that and I do really enjoy chemistry. I’m also chemistry LA, so I’ve been in chemistry LA for three semesters now, and I love
the professor that I do it with and I love the rest of the LA team, so that’s going to be a lot of fun as well.”
When did you switch to taking notes on a tablet/ why do you prefer it?
“For all of highschool and for my freshman year, I used notebook and pencil or my laptop. So I have a touch screen computer, so it’s actually touch screen and I have a stylus, so I was able to draw pictures in word and stuff like that which was helpful for bio which was helpful for when I had to draw graphs. But it wasn’t that good with palm recognition and I just really liked, a lot of my peers were using notability, which is a notetaking app for ipad. And I was take gentcom 2 and I was asking all my friends who were taking orgo, if they recommended getting an Ipad, and everyone was saying yes, yes yes — it’s so useful, it’s so helpful and people were saying the same from all the other classes.
“So I waited until Black Friday and I got the pen, the Ipad, the screen protector and and the case, all on Black Friday, and I got it less than literally what the Ipad costed normally. So I highly recommend waiting for sales. I really really really really love it and highly recommend it, I think it’s an incredible tool for all students. Personally, professors that use powerpoints, it’s so helpful to annotate on the powerpoint during the class. I love making like little study guides it’s so so so good.
“So, I prefer it because, since your able to recopy it and erase it recopy it, or reslice information, I would just write everything messy, especially structures in orgo, and then go back and review and then recopy everything neatly, to make it look pretty and look nicer.”
What spiked you interests in this major?
“So, I always love teaching and I love science, my dad’s a doctor, my mom’s a computer scientist, so science has always been in my life. So I always knew i wanted to go in science, and I really love teaching, I really love kids, I really love working with kids.
“So this program is essentially a double majored program, my school and a bunch of other schools sound the country have it. So STEM major so math, chemistry, biology, physics, whatever. They can get a secondary degree and license in teaching.
“So a lot of people ask me if you’re going teach, are you going to medical school what’s going on? Im still trying to figure that out. But I love both, the reasons on why I wanted to become a doctor are still valid and the reason why I love to teach are still valid and I don’t see why I can’t do both skills in whatever I plan on doing in the future. I do plan on going to medical school and all the teaching skills that I learned will be helpful in residency and working with patients, especially because I’m going into primary care. And I’m also considering other pathways as well after I finish medical school and residency and become a professor in a medical school because I’m really interested and I’m starting to look into. So yeah, I think all skills are going to be useful”
“Ok so, I’m sick and tired of clicking the little filter buttons, so I’m not going to be using the filter for a little bit. So, I got out of class, I basically have class from 9:30-12:15 because I have bio, chem and perspectives back to back. And then I usually check my emails, check my phone, if I wasn’t checking my phone in class, which I usually do, but I’m trying not to. I usually have a 45 minute break, right now I inly have a 10 minute break because I was asking questions. But at this point I’m going to mke myself lunch and review the worksheet that we are going to be doing for the next class. So my next class from 1-3 PM, I’m in LA which is learning assistant for gen chem, so I’ve been doing this for three semesters…”
“So I’ve basically taken chem 1 three tiems because of this LA position whic is awesome because I get to keep the material fresh as I move on to orgo and biochem.”
“For anyone that doesn’t know what an LA is, it’s a learning assistant, different schools maybe have different names for this. So in my school and LA is different from a TA, the TA would be a graduate student, somebody who teaches the lab sections, and LA is a learning assistant, they work in the classroom with the professor. So usually it’ll be a structure, the class that I’m in, the professor lectures, we do breakout rooms and LAs are assigned to specific student tables. In real life it would be tables of students but know it’s breakout rooms. And we are responsible for keeping all the material fresh and we hold our own office hours. ANd yeah, it’s a lot of fun and you get to work with professors, which is awesome. I’ve found a really great mentor with the professor that I work with it, and it also leads to other possibilities, one I’m actually doing research with that professor which is awesome.
“The last incredible thing personally for being an LA for your own personal growth and health, it that you get to be reviewing all that information constantly and keeping it fresh in your mind and I can’t tell you, how much easier it has been for me.
“So, I’m currently in chem class as an LA. And when the professor is lecturing and if it’s material I’m comfortable with I will not pay attention and work on some of my own school work or club school. So I’m vicepresident of
“AED, so that’s the national prehealth honor society and I’m also the secretary of FIHEAl, which is a local prehealth club. So I’ll work on sending emails, making signup sheets, organizing flyers or anything i need to be doing for that or like I said my own school work.
What extracurriculars did you do to get here?
“So I got a lot of questions about extracurriculars in highschool and what i did to become pre med and all of that. So, I’m going to be answering them one at a time, and first of I just want to say… not everything you have to do has to be related to your intended major, you can do fun stuff like arts and sports.
“At the end of the day, number one, it’s going to make you a well rounded applicant and it’s going to make you a more well rounded person and you know have some fun, not everything has to be school, and I think it’s just as important to take some time to let loose and do something you really enjoy.”
“So I do a little bit of everything, and I did a bunch of stuff that weren’t necessarily related to pre-med. So I did musical theatre, piano, dance, I played basketball from kindergarten to all the way to junior of highschool, and I swam as well.”
“So I really has a lot of fun doing all of those things and I really liked having some variety in what I could spend my time with. I do think that it made me become a stronger applicant because it made me more well rounded and more like an actual person but I also did some stuff that are academic related.”
“I did Model UN, freshmen and sophomore year and honestly, I wasn’t good at it, but it was a really good learning experience, I think I was too shy, even though I am outgoing, I am shy in situations in where I don’t feel completely comfortable.
“I was also in the honors society al four years of highschool, so sophomore year I was secretary and junior, senior year I was president. So that was great leadership experience.
“So I didn’t do anything that was super hyper specific on bio or pre med, but I did take one online course that was “Do You Want to Be a Doctor” and it was an anatomy, physiology, patient care, introductiory course that was for highschool students and that was pretty good…
“But I don’t think it played that much of a factor in me getting into the program. I also got my certification to be a WSIA through the Red Cross which is teaching swim lessons, so that’s more so a leadership experience than pre-med experience.
“I Think What helped me stand out the most as a future premed applicant was my leadership experience — the honor scoiety and the swimming lessons. And also the fact that I was well rounded for a bunch of things and my grades as well, I had good grades and I had a good ACT score. I didn’t take the SAT but I got a 31 on the ACT, which is not the highest but it’s still really good. And then I was able to apply and get a full ride scholarship from the school that I go to.”
“So yeah, it was really good to not have to worry about money when it comes to school. I think overall what makes you a good candidate or whatever it is that you’re interested in applying to is to be well rounded and be ablt to communicate what you are passionate about. Show what you are passionate about and why…”
“And be able to communicate in your essays, admissions essays, scholarship essays — why is it you want to go there, why is it you want to pursue this field, what makes you equipped for this and why you are so passioante about it. And I think being strong in communicating that is good.”
What did you do in highschool to be a compertive premed candidate?
“ Of course one of the most important parts is getting good grades, getting a good GPA, getting a good score on your college enterance exams, so SAT, ACT, whatever. Just being well-rounded and doing what you are passionate so participating in sports if that’s what you like, Model UN, student government, whatever. Don’t just do things to have more stuff on your resume, but actually do stuff that you enjoy doing and that you want to do, because that is gooing to come off more sincere when you are writing essays or communicating in an interview. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have the perfect GPA and the perfect resume with a bunch of leadership opportunities. It’ better to have consistency in what you’re doing and to enjoy what you’re doing, you know have dun, your young you’ll get there.
What college do you attend?
“I attend of FIU, it’s a university here in Miami. And I love it, I think therea re so many resources and opportunities for students like me adn the education in really great. I’ve had some really incredible professors, more good professors than bad professors.
“I think that it’s fake that if you don’t get into a top 20 school, you won’t have any opportunities, or you won’t be able to get to medical school, that’s totally fake. You make your opportunities, you pave your own way and I’ve had plenty of opportunities here in FIU.”
“I actually spoke about debunked the myth about not attended a top 20 school on this podcast right here: @pouralittlebrain. ANd the episode is not out yet, but you should definitely check out thier podcast, they have a ton of resources for highschool students and college students.”
“Alright guys it’s been a little while since I’ve updated you, I went on a walk with my mom because I needed a break, it’s just one of those days where 1’ve been sitting down all day, I’ve been having a tough week. Lot’s of school, upper division classes are no joke, but going on walks, getting active, that helps a lot. SO then I came home, then I had an LA meeting with the professor I LA for where we go ocer everything that needs to be done for the next week and just hang out. But now I have an hour… ”
“ to do homework. And then at 7 I have a club meeting for one of my clubs so busy night, but it’s good.”
Are there any dream grad programs for you? Do you want to stay in state?
“So, by the way, this is a heating pad that looks like a stuffed animal because my neck if sore from being infront of the computer all day. ANyways, here’s the thing there’s a lot of things I’ve been thinking of…”
“So I’ve only just recently been thinking about becoming a professor, so I haven’t realy looked into anything for that, but I would stillwant to do into medical school. So I personally love NYU, I love their long island NYU program because there they have an accelerated program for specialty students who know what they want to specialize in especially primary care. I love primary care, I really want to go into primary care…”
“So, that’s the school I have been looking into. I have a huge list of schools that I want to look into. ANd I also have been looking into HWCOM, which is the midical school of the university that I currently attend. Which I love, we have done a bunch of partnerships…”
“Between the undergrad clubs and the med student orginizations. So I know a lot about their mission statement and I love it. They give a bunch back out into the community and helping the underserved get adequate healthcare, which I love that, I think that’s incredible.
“So for staying in state or not, part of me wants to stay in state because the weather here is incredible and it’ll be a lot cheaper, I’ll have my family near by and moral support is always a big part of making through tough stuff like medical school.
“Another part of me kinda wants to live somewhere esle and see what it’s like. I’ve lived here all my life, so I don’t know, it’s still up in the air, I don’t know where I get into, what will end up being the cheapest option and whats the program that matches what I wasnt the most.”
What would you suggest to take in grade 11 and 12?
“So for this question, it honestly depends. Every situation is differnt and every school is different. So there is no blacket answer…”
“But in general I highly recommend you take science classes, I highly recommmend you to thake biology, chemistry, physics if your school offers it, and start you know, dipping your toes in the water and see if you really like therse stem classes.
“These classes are also going to help when you go to college and when you’re going to have to take them all over again, you’ll already have some knowledge on this material, and itll be a lot easier to grab onto this material. SO definietly take science calsses. Another thing would probably be maths if you can.
“If you can go all the way up to calculus and if you can take stats its’ going to help you a lot and it’s going to help you skip some classes maybe. You won’t have to take prealgebra and stuff like that in college and that’ll help you out credit wise.
“Lastly, I recommend you find some extracurriculuars that you really enjoy, adn you know, make sure that you’re focusing on school but you also have a lot of time for yourself, for you to hang out with friends, sports, music, whatever it is… an extracurricular that you’re interseted in.
“Had a meeting for one of my clubs and the eboard is planning some estra stuff after :)”
Any book recommendations?
“I love this question, ok sorry for the background noise, I’m Cuban, so my family is loud, so you will be hearing them. Currently, I am reading Pride and Prejudice, it’s taking me so long, I’m already on the third part, so I’m almost done…”
“BUt with school starting, I haven’t been able to read that much, but I do want to point out something really quick called book of the month. Not sponsored, but book of the month is this subscription… “
“You go online and pick from one of the five titles of every month, they are all new releases, they are really cool books. And if you would like more than one, you can add another books to your box for five dollars. Ti’s really good, they’re hard cover and it ships to your door.
“Really quick I am going to show my favorite books on my shelf: I love the Annie Green Gable series, it’s beautifully written and it’s just a really great story, strong female lead, if you guys are looking for that…”
“I also love Luster of Lost Things, it’s a really cute book and Flowers of Algrenon, I think it’s a book you have to finish reading before you god to college or something like that, I read it in highschool, it’s awesome I highly recommmend it. Also Harry Potter and Percy Jackson…”
“So those are the ones on my bookshlef, I actually have boxes in my closet of books that I need to put on the rest of my bookshelf. I used to read a lot as a kid, and since I started college I haven’t had much time, but I’m trying to get back into it.
“I can’t think of anything on the top of my head, but I think reading is incredible, reading is awesome and if your looking to take the MCAT in the future, reading anything and everything to speed up your reading…”
“Friendly reminder to do your skincare routnie and stay hydrated :))”
“Alright guys, I can’t believe it’s 1 AM, I just got out of the shower. I’ve been doing biochem homework for literally four hours, I’m not even kidding. SO yeah, this is not good for my sleep schedule, but it’s ok you know, we’re working on it.”
“Huge thank you to @medanded_org for asking me to take over! It was so great to meet you all!”
“Have a good night and a good day and thank you for having me!”